Which, yes, means it doesn’t. But this is simple, and we can’t seem to pull it together enough to get the simple stuff like this right. It makes me worry. I see so many examples of the kind of things that make this list feel needed every day. It is, in fact, the main reason I would have dropped all social media, if I didn’t need it for work. Yes, it’s that bad. I can’t seem to grasp how this is so easy to ignore – and how many people insist on acting against the simple ‘duh’ level reality I am talking about.

So, here is my list of things it’s past time to realize:

If the other side does it, and you think it’s wrong, it’s wrong when your side does it too.

If your side does it, and you think it’s good, it’s good when the other side does it too.

Your side is not all saints.

The other side is not all sinners.

It is good, right, and just to call out those on your side who are bad actors.

No one is all of anything. Hitler was a decently talented artist, and loved his dogs.

You aren’t all of any one thing either…

Objective truths exist – wrong is wrong, regardless of who did it or why. Or to whom.

Speech is not violence. Violence is not speech.

Hold law enforcement to a strict standard, the same laws they hold us to.

Politicians are not heroes. Or stars. They are, at best, ineffective middle managers who have delusions of superiority. Stop lionizing them.

If you define everyone on one side as evil, expect some of them to become evil. If you make it clear your side thinks an entire demographic is stupid / uneducated / worthless / second class (or lower), you can expect them to hate you in return.

We used to at least try to get along, we should look at that again.

Give it a try…you might be shocked what happens.